Antti reports from the Posio hills! #posiohillsintwoyears ”Osara clearcutting area around the Susivaara hill was one of the largest in Europe. As many as 20 000 hectares of forest was cut down after the wars from the 1940s until 1960s. Forestry provoked intense debates back then just as it does nowadays. On the way back from the Susivaara I visited Posio’s hermit’s, Fish Eemeli’s (1905-1966) hut. He built the little red hut from scrap wood from a nearby bridge construction site. A path leads to the hut from the Lapiosalmi lodges. Little patches of snow free ground, pälvi, started appearing a few weeks ago. I spotted the first ones of the year at a trip to Nolimovaara. The spring is slowly turning into summer. We still have close to one metre of snow at some places. Near the Miekkavaara and Nurmivaara is Perä-Posio dance hall and Saraniemi windmill. The dance hall was built in 1968. It has been abandoned some time ago but it still has a nice vibe. Saraniemi wind mill is from the 1880s and has been moved to its current location in 1997.”