Antti reports from the Posio hills! #posiohillsintwoyears. “I got an answer to the question about the number of hills. I have visited 27 of 273 of Posio hills. It is surprising how different every hills is. I’m looking forward to visiting all of them. Yesterday I skied to Southern and Middle Suonnanvaara. I saw the first reindeer tracks of the year at the hills. Southern Suonnanvaara had unnaturally dense birch forest. Many of the trees had bent to little arches from the weight of the snow. The Middle Suonnanvaara is in the protected area of the Karitunturi Mire Reserve. The Reserve was established in 1988. One of the mires at the hill was drained for forestry in in the 1970s. The mire was restored in 2003. The slow restoration process is still underway. The sturdy pines, spruces, and birches at the hill had carried the weights of the winters quite well. It would have taken a third hour to visit the Northern Suonnanvaara on the same trip. As a promoter of slow travel, I left it to the next time.”