Hiking routes, skiing tracks and equipment rental
Here you will find all of Posio’s hiking, canoeing and cycling trails and skiing tracks. Explore the routes on the map and click open the listed cards to learn more about the route. At the bottom of the page you will find information about equipment rental in Posio in summer and winter.
Here you can see all our skiing tracks on a map and when they have been maintained
Other sites for activities:
Equipment rental
For summer activities

1 bike or 2 bikes
20€/h or 30€/h
35€/3h or 55€/3h
80€/day or 120€/day
M&M Saarela Oy / +358400 953 119
Sup-board 1 day 34€/day, next day 15€, ask price for longer rent periods
M & M Saarela oy
Equipment rental
For autumn & winter activities